The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg
Regular Council Meeting
Addendum Agenda

Council Chambers, Victoria Hall, Cobourg

Closed Session 4:00 p.m.

Open Meeting 6:00 p.m.


Please be advised that the Regular Council Meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m. with a Closed Session being held prior to the Open Session. The Public will see a Closed Session screen on the livestream of the Regular Council Meeting indicating Council is in Closed Session. The Open Session will appear live directly following the Closed Session at 6:00 p.m. and can be viewed using the same livestream link.


This Regular Council Meeting will be held using a hybrid meeting model. Members of Council and Municipal Staff will have the choice to participate in-person in Council Chambers or to participate virtually via electronic participation. Please note that in-person attendance in Council Chambers by members of the public is now permitted. The public may also view the Council meeting live via the Town of Cobourg livestream. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, please email [email protected]


Join Zoom Meeting Information for Speakers


Meeting ID: 874 1202 4212

Phone: 647 374 4685 


Consent Agenda




(Mayor Lucas Cleveland from the December 6, 2024 Council Correspondence Agenda) 

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive the correspondence from the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford regarding Homeless Encampments for information purposes; and 

    THAT Council direct Staff to send a letter of support to the Province on the introduction of the new legislation and supporting initiatives outlined in the letter to achieve the outcomes agreed necessary in order to protect public safety and dismantle encampments; and to attach the Town of Cobourg ECE By-law for consideration in the creation of Provincial guidelines for Emergency Shelters in Ontario using the process the Town of Cobourg already has in place. 

Items Extracted from Consent Agenda

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive this report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council accepts the award of the EV ChargeON – Community Stream Program grant funding - $30,000 for Albert St Public Parking Lot, Four Level 2 ports; and

    FURTHER THAT Council authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute the funding agreement and enabling bylaw, recognizing that the project is subject to detailed technical review; and 

    FURTHER THAT Council authorizes the Mayor to send thank-you letters to the members of the EV Charger volunteer team, commending them on their service to the Town of Cobourg.


  • Action Recommended:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No.065-2024 to By-law No.068-2024 and By-law No. 071-2024 to By-law No. 072-2024, and to dispense with the reading of the bylaw by the Municipal Clerk and that the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed.