The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg

Hybrid Meeting (In-Person and Electronic)

Please be advised that the Regular Council Meeting will begin at 5:30 P.M. for Council to hold a Closed Session prior to the Open Session of Council which will begin at 6:00 P.M. If necessary, Municipal Council will resume Closed Session following all open session items due to the the amount of items on the Agenda for Closed Session. 


Notice - This Regular Council Meeting will be held using a hybrid meeting model. Members of Council will have the choice to participate in-person in Council Chambers or to participate via Electronic Participation. All Members of Staff will be participating via electronic attendance and delegations will be heard via electronic participation. Please note that in-person attendance in Council Chambers by members of the public is still not permitted. The public may still view the Council meeting live via the Town of Cobourg live stream. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, please email 



  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council meet in Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001 regarding:

239(2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employee - Citizen Appointment Applications - Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee


The Town of Cobourg respectfully acknowledge that we are located in the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig (Mississauga) and Chippewa Nations, collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations, which include: Curve Lake, Hiawatha, Alderville, Scugog Island, Rama, Beausoleil, and Georgina Island First Nations.

The Town of Cobourg respectfully acknowledge that the Williams Treaties First Nations have been stewards and caretakers of these lands and waters, and that today remain vigilant over their health and integrity for generations to come. We are all Treaty people.



  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council adopt the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on December 13, 2021

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council adopt the minutes of the Public Planning Meeting held on  November 29, 2021.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council adopt the minutes of the Public Planning Meeting held on  December 20, 2021.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council adopt the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on January 3, 2022.






  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive the notes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on January 3, 2022 for information purposes.



  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council approve the purchase of a new Raw Sewage Pump and associated valving for Water Pollution Control Plant #2 from Hidrostal at a cost of $167,384 including non-refundable HST; and

    FURTHER THAT COUNCIL approve the hiring of Peak Engineering on a time and material basis to conduct the installation with an upset limit of $30,000.


  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive the Staff Report for information purposes and;

    FURTHER THAT Council provide direction to Municipal Staff regarding the placement of Porta Potties with the endorsement of one of the options as outlined in the Staff Report to be funded through the COVID-19 Safe Restart Government Funding. 





  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 3, 2022, Council considered a memo from the Recording Secretary, Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee, regarding 277 College Street HP-2021-042; 

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council grant and approve Heritage Permit #HP-2021-042 as submitted by Lisa and Gary Ferguson to permit the demolition of the structures at 277 College Street, Cobourg for both the demolition and re-development subject to the finalization of details with Planning and Heritage staff.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 3, 2022, Council considered a memo from the Secretary of the Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee, regarding Heritage Permit Application (HP-2020-037) 93 Albert Street, Cobourg; 

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council refuse and not approve Heritage Permit Application HP-2020-037 as submitted by Laurel Baker on behalf of Mike Clark to permit the demolition of a residential structure at 93 Albert Street, Cobourg.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 3, 2022, Council considered a memo from the Recording Secretary, Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee, regarding 203 Hibernia Street HP-2021-044;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council grant and approve Heritage Permit Application #HP-2021-044 as submitted by Xue Ying Xie – to permit a new window at 203 Hibernia Street, Cobourg subject to the finalization of details by Heritage and Planning Staff.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Regular Council Meeting on December 13, 2021, Council considered applications from Members of the Public to fill the vacancy on Town of Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Municipal Council appoint the following member to the Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee:







  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council adopt by-law No. 003-2022, being a by-law to Authorize an Interim Tax Levy and to provide for the collection of Taxes, Penalty and Interest Charges.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council adopt by-law No. 004-2022, being a by-law to Authorize Borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.








  1. By-law No. 003-2022, being a by-law to Authorize an Interim Tax Levy and to provide for the collection of Taxes, Penalty and Interest Charges
  2. By-law No. 004-2022, being a by-law to Authorize Borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022 
  • Action Recommended:

    THAT leave be granted to introduce bylaw 003-2022 to 004-2022 and to dispense with the reading of the bylaw by the Municipal Clerk and that the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. 




  • Action Recommended:
  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council refer the Notice of Motion to the January 24, 2022 Committee of the Council Meeting for discussion. 


  • Mayor John Henderson
  • Deputy Mayor Séguin, General Government Services Coordinator
  • Councillor Beatty, Planning and Development Services Coordinator
  • Councillor Darling, Public Works Services Coordinator
  • Councillor Chorley, Parks and Recreation Services Coordinator
  • Councillor Burchat, Protection Services Coordinator
  • Councillor Bureau, Arts, Culture and Tourism Services Coordinator


The items listed in the order of the topics set out in the agenda of prior meetings which have not been disposed of by Council and the date of their first appearance on the agenda shall be noted and repeated on each subsequent agenda until disposed of by Council, unless removed from the agenda by leave of Council - Council Procedural By-law No. 009-2019.


  • Action Recommended:

    THAT leave be granted to introduce Bylaw 005-2022 and to dispense with the reading of the Bylaw by the Municipal Clerk to confirm the proceedings of Council of the Town of Cobourg at its Regular Council Meeting held on January 10,2022, and the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. 


  • Action Recommended:

    THAT the meeting be adjourned ( PM)

No Item Selected