The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg

Sustainability and Climate Change Advisory Committee


Electronic Participation
Members Present:
  • Minnie de Jong, Chair
  • Councillor Adam Bureau
  • Marius Marsh
  • John Vickers
  • Therese Hutchinson
  • Freya Fernandes
Members Absent:
  • Anthony Pitts, Vice-Chair
Staff Present:
  • Krystal Christopher, Deputy Clerk
  • Linda Gregg, Sustainable Cobourg Representative
  • Pam Lancaster, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Representative


Chair Minnie de Jong called the Meeting to Order at 2:00 P.M.

Chair Minnie de Jong recited the Traditional Land Acknowledgment Statement 


Chair, Minnie de Jong, noted the following additions to the agenda:

  • Item 9.2. - Judy Smith to provide an update and information on what she covered during her term as the former Environmental Officer for Northumberland County
  • Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    THAT the Agenda dated September 1, 2021, be approved as amended. 


There were no Declarations of Interest Declared by Committee Members. 

  • Moved byJohn Vickers

    THAT the minutes dated July 7, 2021, be adopted as presented.






Dereck Paul, President & CEO, Lakefront Utilities, provided an overview and information regarding the structure of Lakefront Utilities and its various stakeholders. D. Paul spoke to the adaptation of digital technologies within the organization; fleet conversion to electric/hybrid vehicles; solar energy; EV Charging Stations; Battery Storage; Lease to Own CHP (Combine Heat Power) Generation; and stakeholder engagement. D. Paul provided information on current activities for 2021/2022 within the organization. 

Committee Members raised questions regarding the usage of solar energy, the usage of utility to develop food; ESG training and connecting with NGO's. 

D. Paul was dismissed at 2:39 PM

Judy Smith former Environmental Officer, Northumberland County, provided information to the committee on the projects covered during her term.

Members of the Committee engaged in a discussion regarding the proposed motion for a staffed Environmental Officer and Cobourg's 2022 budget. Councillor Adam Bureau noted that Council has approved Climate Action Plan 'in principle' as the finalization of the plan is pending the GDS/ICSP. Pam Lancaster, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GCRA) Representative, requested the addition of the GCRA to the last clause in the motion. 

  • Moved byMarius Marsh

    WHEREAS on April 26, 2021 Council Meeting, Council approved a motion to work on having the shared Northumberland County Environmental Officer position continued; and

    WHEREAS the Sustainability and Climate Change Advisory Committee (SCCAC) has learned that the shared Northumberland County Environmental Officer Position ended as of August 31, 2021; and

    WHEREAS this position has supported Cobourg to address the climate emergency, including providing Cobourg with a Climate Action Plan; and

    WHEREAS a number of environmental initiatives within Cobourg’s Climate Action Plan (approved in principle by Council) and related to Cobourg’s Climate Emergency Declaration have been initiated for which the expertise of an environment expert is needed to assist existing Cobourg staff to implement; and 

    WHEREAS the need to address the Climate Emergency is ever more urgent as is clear in the recently released ICCP report , and is evident from the large number of uncontrollable fires across the world, and the droughts and floods in Canada and in other parts of the world; and

    WHEREAS global heating is an emergency of a worse scale than the pandemic; with way more severe and long lasting consequences; and 

    WHEREAS it is more cost effective to implement mitigation and adaptation measures proactively than to address the impacts after they have occurred; and

    WHEREAS Cobourg is beginning the process of preparing its 2022 Budget;

    NOW THEREFORE the SCCAC Recommends that Cobourg:

    1. Environmental Officer Position: Find funds within its 2021 budget to immediately hire a full-time environmental staff expert, and also ensure sufficient funds in Cobourg’s 2022 Budget to pay for a full time environmental expert staff person to:
      • help Cobourg implement the measures in Cobourg’s Climate Action Plan;
      •  advise on additional climate mitigation and adaptation measures for Cobourg to implement including help Cobourg staff access funds from the provincial and federal governments where available for such initiatives;
      • support all departments to perform their work through a climate emergency mitigation and adaptation lens;
      • help staff provide cost estimates for climate mitigation and adaptation measures Cobourg should implement so Cobourg can ensure sufficient funds in its 2022 budget to implement these measures; and
      • work with the County, other municipalities within the County, and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority to implement climate emergency mitigation and adaptation initiatives together as much as possible to maximize cost and staff resource efficiency.
    2. 2022 Budget: Ensure sufficient funds within its 2022 budget to implement the climate emergency mitigation measures in its current Climate Action Plan, and also provide an allowance for costs not yet identified knowing that additional mitigation and adaptation measures will need to be implemented given the dire situation we are facing.

Chair, Minnie de Jong, noted that the motion in support of the Bicycle Action Committee's (BAC) Cycling Infrastructure Proposal for Cobourg was approved at the June, 2021, SCEAC meeting. Members agreed to submit the motion to the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 13, 2021, as the BAC intends to present to Council the Cycling Infrastructure Proposal for Cobourg at the meeting.

Members of the Committee engaged in a discussion regarding the development of adaptation measures and the measures required based on how the climate emergency will impact Cobourg. Members agreed adaptation measures should be reflected in the ICSP/GDS plan and it was not the committee's role to prepare adaptation measures due to the workload involved. Members discussed three suggested areas for adaptation measures (food, water and power) that could benefit the Town. Member, Therese Hutchinson, agreed to research adaptation measures in the area food and water; and Member, John Vickers, agreed to research adaptation measures in the area of power. A report in those areas will be submitted to the next SCEAC meeting. 

Pam Lancaster, GCRA Representative, spoke to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and Cobourg working towards climate adaptation measures and noted that the Region of Durham has developed a Adaptation Plan. 

Chair, Minnie de Jong, provided information on a webinar to learn what other town/cities are doing for adaptation measures. Members were invited to register to attend. 

Cobourg's 2021/2022 Budget: Chair, Minnie de Jong, spoke to the 2022 budget process and the 2021 budget allocation for tree planting. The committee spoke in support of submitting a motion to Council for planting of additional trees and a fleet replacement with electric vehicles. Members discussed inviting the Town's Arborist to an upcoming meeting and agreed to attain further information surrounding the Tree By-law, Tree Canopy Master Plan, Cobourg's Urban Forest Management Plan and Cobourg's tree planting budget.

CSP/GDS and FCM-CEF (Retrofit) Feasibility Study:  Chair, Minnie de Jong, noted the RFP for these projects is underway and the work developing theses projects once the consultants are hired is approximately 12 to 15 months.

Tannery District Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan: Chair, Minnie de Jong, noted the Planning and Development Advisory Committee endorsed in principle the Background Report, Master Plan and draft Secondary Plan subject to implementation of a public consultation process including a meeting and dedicated consultation webpage.


 Chair, Minnie de Jong, noted the presentation will be on the agenda for the next meeting (October 6, 2021)

 Chair, Minnie de Jong, noted the presentation will be on the agenda for the next meeting (October 6, 2021)


  • Moved byJohn Vickers

    THAT the meeting be adjourned (3:57 PM) 



Wednesday, October 6, 2021