The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg
Sustainability and Climate Change Advisory Committee

Electronic Participation


The Town of Cobourg respectfully acknowledge that we are located in the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig (Mississauga) and Chippewa Nations, collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations, which include: Curve Lake, Hiawatha, Alderville, Scugog Island, Rama, Beausoleil, and Georgina Island First Nations.

The Town of Cobourg respectfully acknowledge that the Williams Treaties First Nations have been stewards and caretakers of these lands and waters, and that today remain vigilant over their health and integrity for generations to come. We are all Treaty people.


  • Action Recommended:

    THAT the Agenda dated September 1, 2021, be approved as presented/amended. 

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT the minutes dated July 7, 2021, be adopted as presented/amended.





Objective: To explore with Mr. Paul the role of Lakefront Utilities to help promote sustainability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Cobourg. (Attachments: Communication with Mr. Paul via email)

Objective:  to review and revise/approve the draft Resolution to Cobourg Council re hire an environmental expert staff person immediately because Judy Smith’s contact has ended, and to find funds in the 2021 and 2022 budget for this. (Attachment: Draft Resolution)

Objective: To revisit the Resolution approved by the SCEAC at the June 2, 2021 meeting and agree on process and timing for sending it to Council. (2 Attachments: Draft Resolution; June 2021 presentation made to the SCEAC June 2, 2021 meeting)

Objective: To agree on process for identifying priority adaptation measures for Cobourg and recommending such measures to Council for implementation by Cobourg. (Attachment:  Discussion Starting Document prepared by Marius Marsh)

Objective:  To provide an update on status of Special Projects of interest to the SCEAC and any action SCEAC should consider given the status:

  • Carbon Footprint Calculator presentation to Council
  • Cobourg 2022 Budget (See Aug 23, 2021 COW Agenda for Details)
  • ICSP/GDS and FCM-CEF (Retrofit) Feasibility Study
  • Tannery District Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan (See Aug 23, 2021 COW Agenda for Consultant’s ‘Background Report, Master Plan and draft Secondary Plan)



Wednesday, October 6, 2021