The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg
Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee

Council Chambers, Victoria Hall, Cobourg

This Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee Meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. and is being held using a hybrid meeting model. Members of Council and Municipal Staff will have the choice to participate in-person in Council Chambers or to participate via Electronic Participation. Please note that in-person attendance in Council Chambers by members of the public is now permitted. The public may also view the Council meeting live via the Town of Cobourg live stream. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, please email [email protected].



Join Zoom Meeting Information for Speakers:

Phone: +1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 810 5563 9248 



Municipal Clerk to conduct the appointment of the Standing Committee Chair.



The Town of Cobourg respectfully acknowledge that we are located in the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig (Mississauga) and Chippewa Nations, collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations, which include: Curve Lake, Hiawatha, Alderville, Scugog Island, Rama, Beausoleil, and Georgina Island First Nations.

The Town of Cobourg respectfully acknowledge that the Williams Treaties First Nations have been stewards and caretakers of these lands and waters, and that today remain vigilant over their health and integrity for generations to come. We are all Treaty people. 




  • THAT the Committee confirm the agenda, as circulated.



Members of the Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee will present verbal reports on matters within their respective areas of responsibility.



Delegates may speak for up to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time and only on the matter indicated on your delegation request form.

As per the Town Procedural By-law, when addressing Council, the speaker shall be respectful of all persons and refrain from entering into cross debate with members of Council, Town Staff and members of the audience.

Following the delegation, Council members may ask questions to obtain additional information or seek clarification from the speaker but shall not make statements to or enter into debate with the speaker.

Once the question period is deemed complete by the Chair, Council members will deliberate the matter at hand without interruption.

Delegations will not be allowed to interrupt the Council decision making process.

  • THAT Council receive the petition from Adam White regarding restoring public transit to what it was before April 19, 2021 for information purposes. 


    THAT Council refer the petition from Adam White regarding restoring public transit to what it was before April 19, 2021 to staff for a report back.

  • THAT Council receive the petition from Colline Bell and Woodward family regarding Stormwater Charges for information purposes.


    THAT Council refer the petition from Colline Bell and Woodward family regarding Stormwater Charges to staff for a report back.

Speakers may not register to speak to Outside Presentations.



Speakers may speak for up to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time and only on the matter pertaining to the report.

As per the Town Procedural By-law, when addressing Council, the speaker shall be respectful of all persons and refrain from entering into cross debate with members of Council, Town Staff and members of the audience.

Following the address, Council members may ask questions to obtain additional information or seek clarification from the speaker but shall not make statements to or enter into debate with the speaker.

Once all speakers have been heard, Council members will deliberate the report at hand without interruption. Speakers will not be allowed to interrupt the Council decision making process.

  • THAT the Committee adopt the following recommendations contained within the staff report on the consent agenda as a single motion and refer to Regular Council for final approval: 





Speakers may not register to speak to Motions.



Directors to provide and information and updates to Council and the public on Divisional Areas, if any.



To adjourn the meeting.