The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg



Hybrid Meeting (In-Person and Electronic)
Members Absent:
  • Mayor John Henderson
  • Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin
  • Councillor Nicole Beatty
  • Councillor Aaron Burchat
  • Councillor Adam Bureau
  • Councillor Emily Chorley
  • Councillor Brian Darling
Staff Absent:
  • Tracey Vaughan, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Ian Davey, Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services
  • Anne Taylor Scott, Director of Planning and Development Services
  • Laurie Wills, Director of Public Works
  • Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk/Manager of Legislative Services












  • Resolution237-22
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin
    Seconded ByCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the Staff Report for information purposes; and 

    FURTHER THAT Council maintain the enforcement of Municipal By-laws currently in place conducted by Municipal Law Enforcement Officers; and 

    FURTHER THAT Council endorse a revised Encampment Response Plan by the By-law Department for coordination with the County of Northumberland Homelessness Coordinated Response Team (HCRT) in order to establish a coordinated systemic multi-agency response to those sleeping rough in the Town of Cobourg to facilitate person-centered engagement opportunities and individualized connections to community-based supports, including dignified housing/shelter options; and

    FURTHER THAT in the event of an encampment site being cleaned up, everyone’s personal belongings are stored for a period of two weeks and notification provided for pick up.

  • Resolution238-22
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin
    Seconded ByCouncillor Aaron Burchat


    THAT Council direct the CAO to provide an oral report to Municipal Council on Homelessness in the Town of Cobourg as a standing report under General Government Services.

  • Resolution239-22
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin
    Seconded ByCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the Staff Report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council maintain the enforcement of Municipal By-laws currently in place conducted by Municipal Law Enforcement Officers; and 

    FURTHER THAT Council endorse a revised Encampment Response Plan by the By-law Department for coordination with the County of Northumberland Homelessness Coordinated Response Team (HCRT) in order to establish a coordinated systemic multi-agency response to those sleeping rough in the Town of Cobourg to facilitate person-centered engagement opportunities and individualized connections to community-based supports, including dignified housing/shelter options; and

    FURTHER THAT in the event of an encampment site being cleaned up, everyone’s personal belongings are stored for a period of two weeks and notification provided for pick up; and 

    THAT Council direct the CAO to provide an oral report to Municipal Council on Homelessness in the Town of Cobourg as a standing report under General Government Services.

  • Resolution240-22
    Moved ByCouncillor Nicole Beatty
    Seconded ByCouncillor Adam Bureau

    WHEREAS the number of people residing in the Town of Cobourg who are unhoused or experiencing homelessness is increasing;

    AND WHEREAS 78 people are officially listed as being homeless, according to Northumberland County.

    AND WHEREAS 24 is the maximum number of shelter spaces available in the area.

    AND WHEREAS the Town of Cobourg By-law Enforcement Team is responding to a high volume of concerns regarding encampments.

    AND WHEREAS the Town of Cobourg does not have an official by-law, policy or program in place to respond to shelter encampments.

    AND WHEREAS according to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, Canada has recognized that adequate housing is a fundamental human right for all.

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to develop an Encampment Response Plan with input, collaboration and outreach support from homeless-serving partners and community members to engage folks residing in encampments and help them transition to safer and more humane accommodations.

    AND FURTHER THAT an encampment site is only to be cleared once everyone has been offered safe and appropriate indoor accommodation.

    AND FURTHER THAT in the event of an encampment site being cleaned up everyone’s personal belongings are stored for a period of two weeks and adequate written notice of support is provided.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council call on Northumberland County Council, staff and its service providers to work with the Town of Cobourg to establish an immediate solution to increasing the supply of indoor accommodation and providing street outreach support through the implementation of an Encampment Response Plan.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct senior staff and three members of Council to make a delegation to Northumberland County Council at their next scheduled Regular Council meeting on July 20th, 2022.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to engage with Infrastructure Ontario and MPP David Piccini to repurpose, refurbish or rebuild a small portion of the former Brookside property to explore immediate housing options in response to the local housing crisis.

  • Resolution241-22
    Moved ByCouncillor Nicole Beatty
    Seconded ByCouncillor Aaron Burchat


    THAT the wording be deleted and replaced with the following wording:

    AND FURTHER THAT Council call on Northumberland County Council, staff and its service providers to work with the Town of Cobourg to establish an immediate solution to increasing the supply of indoor accommodation and providing street outreach support through the implementation of an Encampment Response Plan.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct senior staff based on availability and two (2) members of Council to make a delegation to Northumberland County Community Social Services Standing Committee on July 6, 2022 at 1:00 P.M and at their next scheduled Regular Council meeting on July 20th, 2022 or through the procedures of the County Procedural By-law for the next cycle of County Council Meetings.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to engage with Infrastructure Ontario and MPP David Piccini and Northumberland County to repurpose, refurbish or rebuild a small portion of the former Brookside property to explore immediate housing options in response to the local housing crisis.

  • Resolution242-22
    Moved ByCouncillor Nicole Beatty
    Seconded ByCouncillor Aaron Burchat

    THAT Council call on Northumberland County Council, staff and its service providers to work with the Town of Cobourg to establish an immediate solution to increasing the supply of indoor accommodation and providing street outreach support through the implementation of an Encampment Response Plan.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct senior staff based on availability and two (2) members of Council to make a delegation to Northumberland County Community Social Services Standing Committee on July 6, 2022 at 1:00 P.M and at their next scheduled Regular Council meeting on July 20th, 2022 or through the procedures of the County Procedural By-law for the next cycle of County Council Meetings.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to engage with Infrastructure Ontario and MPP David Piccini and Northumberland County to repurpose, refurbish or rebuild a small portion of the former Brookside property to explore immediate housing options in response to the local housing crisis.

