THAT Council receive the information report on Town of Cobourg Remuneration Review practices and the 2019 Municipal Council resolution on a three (3) year review of Council remuneration with the process to be determined by Council; and
WHEREAS as part of the approved 2019 Council resolution, Council approved that a formal review of Council remuneration takes place in the third year of every Council's term of office by a method of Council's choosing. As this action has not taken place, and now that Council is within its final year of the Council Term, Council has to determine the next steps regarding Council remuneration, or to let the incoming Council deal with remuneration for their term of Council; and
WHEREAS the 2022 salary for the position of Mayor is $42,477 plus $6,500 in benefits, plus cell phone and laptop; the salary for the position of Deputy Mayor is $29,073 plus $6,500 in benefits, plus cell phone and laptop; and the salary for the position of Councillor is $24,285 plus $6,500 in benefits, plus cell phone and laptop; and
WHEREAS compensation adjustments for the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Members of Council continue to be maintained with annual CPI adjustments as a yearly increase to Council Remuneration effective July 1st each year as stated in the current provision of the Council Remuneration Bylaw; and
WHEREAS Members of Council maintain home offices to perform the duties of each office in Council and receive no compensation for office expenses such as a portion of utilities, heat, telephone and internet expenses, printer, toner, and paper; and
WHEREAS Under the Police Services Act, Ontario Regulation 268/10, a municipality shall pay to each board member who is appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council or the Solicitor General, (c) in a municipality having a population exceeding 10,000 and not exceeding 100,000 according to the last revised assessment roll, not less than $300 a year; and
WHEREAS there is no Ontario regulation to pay members of municipal Council who sit on Police Services Boards, two members of Cobourg Council receive an additional annual remuneration of $6,920 for a total of $13,840 in the budget for sitting on the Cobourg Police Services Board; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bylaw No. 037-2018 which amended the Council Remuneration By-law for the 2018-2022 Council Term be amended to reflect the following:
As no additional remuneration is paid to any other members of Council for sitting on various advisory committees, effective November 15, 2022 Council members sitting on the Cobourg Police Services Board shall no longer receive additional remuneration; and
FURTHER THAT the new term of Council for 2022-2026 each member of Council shall receive an additional $2,000 and that Council set the salary for members of Council as follows:
- That the position of Mayor be set at $44,477 plus benefits;
- That the position of Deputy Mayor be set at $31,073 plus benefits; and
- That the position of Councillor be set at $26,285 plus benefits.
FURTHER THAT a formal review of Council remuneration takes place in the third year of the next term of Council