The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg

Accessibility Advisory Committee


Electronic Participation
Members Present:
  • Jerry Ford
  • Susan Caron
  • Elizabeth Sheffield
  • Aaron Burchat
  • Kathryn Richards
  • Troy Mills
Staff Present:
  • Laurie Wills, Director of Public Works
  • Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk/Manager of Legislative Services
  • Jamie Kramer
Staff Absent:
  • Krystal Christopher


Chair Sue Carron called the Meeting to Order at 10:03 A.M.

  • Moved byElizabeth Sheffield

    THAT the Agenda dated February 17, 2021 be approved as presented. 


There were no Declarations of Interest Declared by Committee Members. 

Laurie Wills, Director of Public Works joined the meeting at 10:05 AM.
  • Moved byJerry Ford

    THAT the minutes dated January 20, 2021 be adopted as presented.

  • Moved byKathryn Richards

    THAT the minutes dated February 8, 2021 be approved as presented.





  • E. Sheffield: Is there something in place if the Emergency Planner is away?
  • L. Wills: We do have an Emergency Control Group and the Fire Chief takes control any of the emergencies that take place.
  • E. Shffield: We had always assumed for other types of issues rather than a pandemic. What are in the support plans?
  • A. Burchat: The support group was working on the overall plan, prior to the pandemic, but then we were working on dealing with the pandemic. A lot of staff and outside groups are sitting on this group to try and make sure we are looking at all angles for an emergency, including flooding, fire, meteor shower, etc. Once you go through them as a group, you formulate how likely items are and prioritize. Then the Emergency Planner goes back and sees if there needs to be specific plans or an overall plan.
    • Once that plan is put together, our Emergency Planner would be the best person to ask about this.
  • E. Sheffiled: If there is a gas leak tomorrow, what is the plan to evacuate people with disabilities?
    • A. Burchat: We can't answer that, it would be posed to the Emergency Planner and if it is in the plan. When we sit down to do the overview, I can pose that question to the group.
  • L. Wills: I would ask that we invite the Fire Department and the Emergency Planner to come to discuss personal emergency plans because everyone is still responsible for their own personal evacuation options. As well, there should be a Fire Safety Plan for each building, so it is also up to the landlords of the buildings you live in to create that plan.
    • As far as the Emergency Control Group, it is high level planning rather than individualized plans but to understand who is responsible for what and when.
  • E. Sheffield: I don't make this clear enough because we need to know what the plan is to evacuate persons with physical disabilities 
  • T. Mills: A lot of the places we could go to are locked under COVID-19 restrictions.
    • B. Larmer: I can pass that information to the Fire Department on your behalf.
  • B. Larmer: The plan hasn't been reviewed in about 5 years and a lot of things have changed. I haven't read the specific section on that but we will review  that and we will bring a comprehensive revised plan to Council as well, especially with COVID-19. There are new realities that have to do. Evacuation would be through the buses, including the accessible buses. We were talking to other counties about taking care of Persons with Disabilities.
    • We have a requirement under the Act to have training sessions but this has been suspended by the Province with COVID-19 so I will bring this up next time to accommodate Persons with Disabilities.
  • E. Sheffield: Even just an email to bring it to someone's attention.
  • B. Larmer: I will send it to the Fire Chief in the meantime to make sure this happens right away.
Aaron Burchat joined the meeting at 10:09 AM.
Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk/Manager of Legislative Services joined the meeting at 10:19 AM.
  • J. Kramer: Provided an overview of the social media campaigns and requested input onto which campaign the Accessibility Advisory Committee wishes to start with first.
  • B. Larmer provided an overview of the motions that were provided at the Committee of the Whole meeting on February 16, 2021 and the referral from Council to the AAC.
    • Council is asking for identification of what is required above and beyond services from Century to provide that information.
  • J. Ford: I want to stress the fact that we are not asking for additional things but to not take away what has been happening for a decade. The WHEELS service has been:
    • Providing assistance for people getting on and off the bus for people with a manual chair;
    • If you need to press a button, they will press that button;
    • They will come to the door if you are waiting at the doctor's appointment to make sure you are coming on the bus.
  • J. Ford: The service provider wants to reduce the service level.
  • E. Sheffield: I appreciate that Council wants to hear from us and am grateful that Council wants to hear from us. We should put all of those aspects forward into the document and formalize it for the service provider.
  • S. Caron: They are asking us to come up with a specific list of what we want.
    • J. Ford: We want them to stop trying to take it away.
    • E. Sheffield: A list of what they historically and currently.
    • S. Caron: Just about what we want to do it moving forward.
    • K. Richards: If need be, they need to get on the bus and transport us. The drivers will provide assistance on an as needed basis to board and disembark, but it is up to everyone else (and the built environment) to make sure that they have appropriate push buttons, doorbells, etc.
  • J. Ford: We made it a curb to curb service with that motion but that isn't what we have had for the last decade.
  • B. Larmer: We are providing a service based on legilsation but it is not the responsbility of the driver if they can go into another organization or engage with the built environment. This falls under the Transportation Standard, not the Built Environment Standard

Councillor Chorley provided questions to the AAC about the bus system.

  • Has the Committee had the opportunity to see the new winch in action? If not, can a demo be arranged? Do they have any feedback on this equipment? 
  • Will the winch address the service gap that was created last year when the drivers were told they can no longer help wheelchair users navigate the vehicle ramp?
  • Are there any other specific forms of assistance that the driver should provide? Which actions are essential, and which would be ‘nice to have’?

Discussion re winch:

  • T. Mills: The drivers have not been trained on it so it is not in use as of yet.
  • L. Wills to follow up on the training and when that will be in place.
  • S. Caron: We will work on getting that information to you.

Discussion re assistance:

  • E. Chorley: On and off on the bus is essential but the pushing a button is a "nice to have."

Policy and Applcation Discussion

  • At the end of the meeting, J. Ford requested to look into the application.
  • E. Sheffield: Should we do the policy and application once we have the information back once we have the information from Century.
  • J. Ford: We should finalize the application now.
  • L. Wills: It would be best to do them at the same time once we have the information. The timeline for getting the information back depends on when Century provides that information back to us but we will follow up with them to make sure we are getting them on time.
  • E. Sheffield: Could we call a special meeting when the information comes back to us?
  • S. Caron: Yes, we could do that once the information comes back.
  • J. Ford: We need look into this and have a meeting about the application. I would like to have a working group on this sooner rather than later.
  • E. Sheffield: Can we consider them as one for the working session?
  • S. Caron: Yes, with extreme focus on the application after we hear back from Century.
  • J. Ford: Sooner rather than later, I would like to deal with the application form.
  • Moved byKathryn Richards

    Drivers will, if needed, provide assistance as needed for boarding or disembarking on Specialized Transit.

  • Moved byTroy Mills

    The AAC recommends that the Town of Cobourg creates an information campaign for organizations, business, etc. to assist Persons with Disabilities under the AODA.

  • Moved byJerry Ford

    That we have a Working Group to go over the Application Form for the Specialized Transit.

  • J. Kramer provided an overview of the specifications to the new building, including that hotels do not have a requirement under the AODA to have any accessible rooms, but this one has one. J. Kramer has requested an additional room to be accessible; however, it may not be put into place.
    • Further, there are accessible parking spots to the requirements of the law but there is no sidewalks because of the problem with the built environment.
  • J. Kramer will provide the plan to the AAC for further discussion at the next meeting.


  • S. Caron discusses a few of the topics but requests that everyone prioritizes which subjects we wish to tackle; however, some are being led by J. Kramer.
  • S. Caron: We're working to create an Accessibility Coordinator full time so one thing that came up was to collect quotes and statements for how much having an Accessibiity Coordinator has helped.
    • Keep track of this infrmation to say the reasons for keeping Accessibility Coordinator.
    • E. Sheffield: Do we have room in the budget to make the position permanent?
    • B. Larmer: We extended the contract but there are other pieces in the organization review to do and go from there but they received the motion. Now we are able to get the Built Environment up to the standards.
  • S. Caron: A lot on the Work Plan requires a full time position for an Accessibility Coordinator to make sure that this work gets done, especially with the legislation required. Without an Accessibility Coordinator, who has to do this?
  • S. Caron: Accessibility Awareness Week is coming up on the last week of May so we need to make plans for it. Plan A is the events if COVID allows us to be in-person and Plan B is web and internet based.
    • Plan A: If we could do the Wheel the Walk downtown. The materials and concepts are ready to go including not having a year on them so they can happen at any time. This would be the large event of the week but we should have more events leading up to this.
    • Plan B: We could have an accessibility speaker online that will help someone provide motivational thoughts. We can research to have an online forum and a Speaker Series. J. Kramer to research costs associated with this.
      • K. Richards: Could use the video made for Council last year as well.
      • S. Caron: Might be nice to invite people to the event and let them know it will happen and a short video.
      • E. Sheffield: It has been very isolating so having a speaker would be great to bring us together.
      • S. Caron: Even if people could send in clips of their motivation and what is keeping them going.


  • B. Larmer about the vaccine and rolling out the vaccine through the CCC. The province is requiring a plan for rolling out the vaccine and provide information. There is the assumption that the health unit put in considerations for Persons with Disabilities. The issue could be that Cobourg and Brighton are the only municipalities with an MOU for innoculations and with COVID-19 for mass innoculations it talks about everyone come in together. We have flagged this because we have an MOU with the CCC so to let us know if something changes and we are making sure we see some committment regarding that. Still keeping the vaccines in Cobourg as of right now but any updates will be provided.


  • Moved bySusan Caron

    That the meeting be adjourned at 11:48 a.m.
