The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg

Sustainability and Climate Change Advisory Committee


Electronic Participation
Members Present:
  • Minnie de Jong, Chair
  • Anthony Pitts, Vice-Chair
  • Councillor Adam Bureau
  • Marius Marsh
  • John Vickers
  • Warren McCarthy
Staff Present:
  • Krystal Christopher, Deputy Clerk
  • Judy Smith, Environmental Officer, County of Northumberland
Staff Absent:
  • Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk / Manager of Legislative Services


Chair, Minnie de Jong, called the Meeting to Order at 2:01 P.M.

Chair, Minnie de Jong, recited the Traditional Land Acknowledgment Statement.

Chair, Minnie de Jong, noted the following additions to the agenda:

  • Brookside Youth Facility Closure and land usage
  • Councillor Bureau's response to Citizen's request - Car Idling Bylaw 
  • Partnering with the Art Gallery of Northumberland
  • Canadian Clean Air Partnership Webinar
  • THAT the Agenda dated  March 3, 2021 be approved as amended. 


There were no Declarations of Interest Declared by Committee Members. 





Members, Warren McCarthy and Tony Pitts, provided comments on the presentation made to the Transportation Advisory Committee. Suggestions were made by members of the Transportations Advisory Committee (TAC) following the presentation and SCCAC members agreed to report back. Chair, Minnie de Jong, agreed to prepare and draft an interim response to TAC and send a final draft of the response after the April 7 meeting.

Members of the Committee engaged in a discussion regarding the presentation made to the Planning and Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) and spoke to density, sustainability, a carbon footprint calculator and whether sidewalks are needed. Members provided comments on how to provide input to the Committee of the Whole (COW) and Regular Council on Agenda Items so that Council has the benefit of a climate emergency position. Members, Councillor Bureau and W. McCarthy agreed to prepare a written proposal for the next SCCAC meeting on how this can be accomplished. Chair, Minnie de Jong, agreed to prepare a draft position for consideration by the SCCAC at the next meeting regarding sidewalks.

Members engaged in a discussion regarding the Terms of Reference and spoke to proposed changes. Members provided comments and feedback on having an outside expert, youth representative and a Sustainable Cobourg representative as part of the committee.


Committee Members provided comments and feedback regarding the DBIA street beautification. Councillor Bureau will take the input from the committee back to the DBIA.

Committee members engaged in a discussion regarding appropriate density levels for Cobourg. Members agreed that the committee wanted to see higher density development in Cobourg and should develop a recommendation as to what kind of density Cobourg should achieve. 

Committee members engaged in a discussion regarding suggested changes and actions for the SCCAC work plan, Annual Report and draft Presentation to Council. Members provided suggestions on the initiatives the committee should undertake and made changes to several action items. Members agreed to review further the draft presentation to Council. Krystal Christopher, Recording Secretary, was directed to submit the Work Plan and Annual Report to the next Committee of the Whole Meeting.

Committee members agreed to give thought to inviting Derik Paul to a SCCAC meeting including what the committee would like to hear or propose to Derik. Members agreed to discuss further at the next SCCAC meeting.



Brookside Youth Centre

Committee members agreed to discuss this matter at the next SCCAC meeting. Members noted the process for the province to dispose of land takes time, however, the committee agreed to being developing their proposal on what the land could be used for.

Councillor Bureau's response to Citizen's request - Car Idling Bylaw 

Members engaged in a discussion regarding the enforcement of a car idling bylaw and composting for condo owners. Judy Smith, Environmental Officer, noted that Cobourg had elected to go the educational route instead of enforcing the bylaw. Member, Marius Marsh, noted most waste pick-up in condominiums are done by private companies and it is the decision of the condo corporation.

Canadian Clean Air Partnership Webinar re Integrating Global Warming in the Official Plan 

Chair, Minnie de Jong, and Member, Marius Marsh, noted they had registered for the webinar, have access to board information and received follow up material from the webinar (presentation and video).

Partnering with Northumberland Art Gallery

Councillor Bureau spoke to an invitation received from the Art Gallery of Northumberland to partner with the SCCAC for an event. The committee agreed to consider the invitation and develop a proposal for outreach to the community on the climate emergency. 

Members identified possible topics for April 7th, 2021 Meeting


  • Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    THAT the meeting adjourn (4:20 PM) 

