The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg

Public Planning Meeting


Electronic Participation
Members Present:
  • Mayor John Henderson
  • Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin
  • Councillor Nicole Beatty
  • Councillor Aaron Burchat
  • Councillor Adam Bureau
  • Councillor Emily Chorley
  • Councillor Brian Darling
Staff Present:
  • Tracey Vaughan, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk/Manager of Legislative Services
  • Krystal Christopher, Deputy Clerk
  • Rob Franklin, Acting Director of Planning and Development


Chair, Councillor Beatty, Coordinator of Planning and Development Services, called the Meeting to Order at 5:05 PM


Chair, Councillor Beatty, Coordinator of Planning and Development Services, recited the Traditional Land Acknowledgment Statement. 


Chair, Councillor Beatty, explained the general purpose of the meeting which is was for Council and the public to obtain background information regarding the Tannery District Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan and corresponding amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law for the Tannery District Secondary Plan area (the lands generally bounded by George Street, University Avenue West, Victoria/Ball Streets, and the CN/CP railway tracks.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest by members

Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk, noted that the notice published in the local newspaper, posted on the Municipal Website and circulated to neighboring property owners in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act.

M. Reid provided information regarding the Tannery District Master Plan/Secondary Plan and spoke to the project objective and process; Master Plan vision; priority directions; key design guidelines; and implementation. M. Reid highlighted the changes to the initial plan, the steps within the implementation plan and the phases within the site plan implementation. 

Rob Franklin, Acting Director of Planning and Development Services, provided information on the Tannery District Secondary Plan and noted that comments and concerns expressed during the public meeting will be reviewed and that the plan will not impact existing sites.

R. Franklin noted that additional background information associated with the Tannery Secondary Plan may be found by accessing the following Planning & Development webpage link:



Gigi Ludorf-Weaver, 703 Carlisle Street, Cobourg

G. Ludorf-Weaver provided comments in support of the Tannery District Sustainable Plan and spoke to the need for EC charging stations and the need for developers to address considerations surrounding no fossil fuels or gas in homes or cars in the future.

Jordan Hoogendam - 421 Ontario St, Cobourg

J.  Hoogendam provided comments in support of plan and spoke to his appreciation for a phased approach in developing the area and setting a trajectory for Cobourg

Richard Tyssen - Tannery District Citizen Advisory Group  (Item 7.3.3. on the Agenda)

R. Tyssen spoke to the letter of recommendation provided by the members of the Tannery District Citizens Advisory Group. R. Tyssen spoke to the building height, shading of solar panels and the Building Energy Performance tables; defining affordable rent; the Town bearing development costs for non-profit affordable housing; and the design, constructing and funding of the Tannery neighbourhood

Miriam Mutton - 423 George St., Cobourg (Item 7.3.4. on Agenda)

M. Mutton provided comments regarding traffic in the area, greenspace, and setbacks for the street.

Bed Burd, Cobourg resident

B. Burd spoke to the importance of affordable housing in the Town and County, zoning, land use study, and the Provincial Growth Plan. B. Burd raised concerns regarding the development of the growth and the existence of a land conversion policy, available affordable housing, and the percentage of housing units within the Tannery Plan to be affordable units

John Armstrong, Ontario Mason Association 

J. Armstrong provided comments in support of the application and spoke to the density being increased and the quality of the construction.

Stanley Ishwewood, Cobourg resident

S. Isherwood provided comments in support of the plan and raised questions regarding the redevelopment of the industrial buildings and the heritage nature of the site.

Bill Verner and Marilyn Barefoot , 465 George Street, Cobourg (Item 7.3.2. on the Agenda)

B. Verner and M. Barefoot raised concerns wit the extension of Alice Street, increased traffic levels, reduced property values, increased pollution, greenspace, and the increased risk to young children in the neighbourhood. 

Carrie Anne Wiliamson - 443 Victoria Ave, Cobourg

C. Williamson provided comments on the protection and preservation of heritage attributes on the adjacent properties and the budget implications for the  future cultural heritage review.


Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk, noted that all written submissions received have been added to the agenda under 7.3. of the agenda.



Chair, Councillor Beatty, any persons requiring notice of passage of the Tannery District Secondary Plan are to advise the Municipal Clerk of their name and address to ensure receipt of notice or email


  • Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    THAT the meeting be adjourned (7:40 PM)
