The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg

Accessibility Advisory Committee


Electronic Participation
Members Present:
  • Susan Caron
  • Elizabeth Sheffield
  • Aaron Burchat
  • Kathryn Richards
  • Troy Mills
  • Dan Wilson
Members Absent:
  • Jerry Ford
Staff Present:
  • Laurie Wills, Director of Public Works
  • Jamie Kramer
Staff Absent:
  • Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk/Manager of Legislative Services
  • Krystal Christopher


Chair Sue Caron called the Meeting to Order at 10:00 A.M.



Susan Caron joined the meeting at 9:48 AM.
Aaron Burchat joined the meeting at 9:51 AM.
Elizabeth Sheffield joined the meeting at 9:55 AM.
Kathryn Richards joined the meeting at 9:57 AM.
Laurie Wills, Director of Public Works joined the meeting at 9:58 AM.
Dan Wilson joined the meeting at 9:58 AM.
  • Moved byKathryn Richards

    THAT the inclusion of Purchasing a WHEELS Bus by Laurie Wills, Director of Public Works, be added to the agenda.

  • Moved byElizabeth Sheffield

    THAT the Agenda dated August 18, 2021 be amended.


There were no Declarations of Interest Declared by Committee Members. 

  • Moved byKathryn Richards

    THAT the minutes dated June 16, 2021 be adopted as presented.



Bill Glover from the Bicycle Action Committee of Sustainable Cobourg presented on the proposed cycling infrastructure:

  • Cycling infrastructure was already part of the Transportation Master Plan but the Bicycle Action Committee would like to prioritize this in the revitialization of the Transportation Master Plan that is to be developed next year.
  • On Page 3 of the Proposal, there is information about the current infrastructure and how they are rate dunder the current system for comfort and safety.
  • The Proposal includes a prioritization of an East-West route from Kerr Street across Town connecting with Highway 2 as well as North-South route that would connect some of the rural areas to the downtown.

E. Sheffield asked if people who use wheelchairs could also use the path.

  • B. Glover: Yes, that is one of the reasons that there is such a heavy support of it. There would be multi-use paths and/or the inclusion of speed limits depending on the definition of bicycle.
  • E. Sheffiled: Would the definition of bicycle to include motorized vehicles impact people with motorized mobility devices?
  • B. Glover: We are still working on this but it would depend on the design and if it was near a sidewalk.

L. Wills noted that the Transportation Master Plan will be revisited next year depending on the budget; however, through the organizational review, there appears to be a gap in active transportation at the Town of Cobourg.

  • Moved byAaron Burchat

    THAT the information be received for information purposes to discuss at a future meeting.



J. Kramer noted that there was a survey for people to suggest updates to K-12 curriculum to incorporate more persons with disabilities but this has closed. J. Kramer highlighted that these suggestions should be sent to her for compilation and sending to the Ontario Government.


Jamie Kramer, Accessibility Coordinator, highlighted the projects that have been completed through the first round of funding for the Inclusive Communities Grant Program.

  • The hiring of a part-time Accessibility Assistant through the Community Living E.A.R.N. program;
  • Implementing LanguageLine Video Remote Interpreting Services for immediate American Sign Language interpretation, which will be beneficial as we begin to open to the public during Step 2 and Step 3 of the reopening plan in Ontario;
  • Purchase and install ten (10) Smart Door Activators through Keys2Access, which will be installed at the end of July to allow ease of access to Town-owned and operated facilities, especially during COVID-19 protocols;
  • Purchase of two (2) foldable and movable ramps for Victoria Hall through Silver Cross;
  • Training courses on Neurodiversity and Inclusion in the workplace for all Council, Staff, volunteers, Board, and Committee members through DistinctAbility;
  • Training courses on Building Accessible Communities with the Together We Rock! Organization, and;
  • Launching and advertising the survey and forum for the Inclusive Communities Grant on EngageCobourg via Facebook, Newspaper Inserts, and Utility Bill Inserts.

Councillor Aaron Burchat asked about accessibility on the beach.

  • J. Kramer noted that there is funds earmarked through the grant for more accessibility on the beach, including the potential to purchase more beach mats.
  • E. Sheffield asked about the potential to notify residents about the use of the beach mat and a new configuration for next year's beach mats.
  • S. Caron and Councillor Burchat highlighted that if someone with a disaiblity entered from one of the various access points that are not the main entrance, they would have a difficult time maneuvering through the beach.
  • E. Sheffield noted that it might be beneficial to extend the mat and have some "offshoots" for people to have a "pad" to sit on with their group.
  • D. Wilson mentioned the possibility of purchasing wheelchairs made for the beach to allow people to go to different areas using these rather than their own wheelchairs.
  • J. Kramer noted that she will bring these ideas and costing back to the Committee as well as Council after the full audit has been done in the coming weeks.

Shannon Murphy, Emergency Planner, discussed the current protocols in place to assist the Town and persons with disabilities during an emergency situation:

  • The Town of Cobourg works with the County and surrounding municipalities on evacuations to make sure taht all evacuation centres are in compliance, up to date, and have the capacity should they need it.
  • These centres' capacity diminishes if there are people with disabilities that have medical equipment and/or support workers with them.
  • The current centre in Cobourg is well equipped for heat and cold emergencies and could use some updates for other types, including train derailments or gas leaks.

Susan Caron noted that Jerry Ford's concern with emergency planning is regarding transportation.

  • S. Murphy noted that all of the Town of Cobourg's buses are accessible; however, there is no database or system in place that would let Staff know about priority addresses or addresses that would require more accommodations.

Laurie Wills, Director of Public Works, discussed that there is a need for a new WHEELS bus to back-up the current bus.

  • In the future, there is a hope to purchase a hybrid or electric vehicle but there is an immediate need to purchase a new vehicle now.
  • This would be a demo vehicle that is on the smaller end, rather than a large bus so that it could easily be integrated into the On Demand Transit system after the pilot.
  • This would be funded through the vehicle reserve which would be able to purchase this and another vehicle in the future.

Sue Caron asked if there would be the possibility of installing the winch on this bus.

  • L. Wills: Yes, the intention would be to install it on this, which would be a vehicle we own, instead of on Century's bus and then having to remove it and reinstall it.
  • Moved byTroy Mills

    THAT the Accessibility Advisory Committee supports the purchase of a demo model WHEELS back-up bus to happen immediately.



Kaveen Fernando, Planner I, outlined the site plan for 1025 Elgin Street West.

  • There are five (5) units available for food and other types of retail as a mixed business unit.
  • Some notes that have already been sent back to the developer include changing the degree of the sloped area, changing the stairs to a sloped ramp for accessibility, installing a speed bump and stop sign to assist with crossing, and updating the parking spots to be compliant.

Kaveen Fernando, Planner I, outlined the site plan for 357-361 Elgin Street West.

Sue Caron and Troy Mills asked about barrier-free units and if there will be any designated low-income and/or affordable housing or rental options.

  • K. Fernando stated that this is still unknown as the plans are in early development still and must go through more steps.


Jamie Kramer, Accessibility Coordinator, explained the checklist and how it was created, including using the Integrated Standards, best practices, and other municipalities' Facility Accessible Design Standards.

  • D. Wilson asked if as part of the audit, J. Kramer could include when the proposal was brought to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for the ones that would be required.
  • Moved byKathryn Richards

    THAT the Accessibility Audit Checklist be used to assess the current state of accessibility in the Town of Cobourg and updates be brought to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for consideration.


J. Kramer outlined that the letters to businesses have been updated based on feedback over the last few months and are ready to be sent on a release schedule to businesses in the area.

  • Moved byKathryn Richards

    THAT the letters about requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 be sent to appropriate businesses in the Town of Cobourg.

  • K. Richards asked that the award be addressed from the Town of Cobourg's Accessibility Advisory Committee.
  • S. Caron asked if we could have an in-person awarding keeping in line with COVID-19 guidelines.
  • J. Kramer will send the plaque design and potential dates to the Accessibility Advisory Committee to decide upon a date and send the invitation to Chesler Shoes and the press.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:57 a.m.