WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on June 21, 2021, Council considered a memo from the Assistant Manager, Waterfront Operations, regarding the amendment to By-Law No. 022-2016 – Fish Cleaning on Municipally owned Property;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council support and endorse the Amendment to By Law No. 022-2016 which would prohibit the cleaning and disposal of waste from preparing fish on Municipal property; and
FURTHER THAT the Amendment of By Law No. 022-2016 shall govern Waterfront Grounds and Infrastructure, Municipal Parks, Properties and Bridges; and
FURTHER THAT Council direct Staff to prepare a report to Council to be brought forward at the 2022 budget deliberations on the anticipated costs to incorporate adjustments to the Cobourg Marina Fish Cleaning Station; and
FURTHER THAT the Cobourg marina fish cleaning station be removed at the passing of the by-law for a period of one (1) year from May 31, 2021, and upon final review by Council of the Staff report.