WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on February 16, 2021, Council considered a memo from the Deputy Director of Community Services regarding the Outdoor Skating Rink at Sinclair Park;
AND WHEREAS the creation of an outdoor rink in Sinclair Park has not been feasible due to the length of the Provincial lockdown and the forecast of above-freezing temperatures in late-February;
AND WHEREAS the Provincial lockdown was lifted on February 16, 2021, allowing for the reopening of the Cobourg Community Centre (CCC);
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to operate free public skating at the Cobourg Community Centre (CCC) from February 18, 2021 to March 20, 2021 for two hours each day;
AND FURTHER THAT Council redirect the $5,000 budgeted for the Sinclair Park rink to the Cobourg Community Centre (CCC) to help offset the cost of providing free public skating;
AND FURTHER THAT the concept of additional outdoor rinks in neighbourhood parks be further considered during the 2022 budget process.