The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg
Regular Council Meeting

Council Chambers, Victoria Hall, Cobourg

This Regular Council Meeting will be held using a hybrid meeting model. Members of Council and Municipal Staff will have the choice to participate in-person in Council Chambers or to participate virtually via electronic participation. The public may also view the Council meeting live via the Town of Cobourg livestream. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, please email 


Join Zoom Meeting Information for Speakers


Meeting ID: 833 8656 2693  

Phone: 647 374 4685 





The Town of Cobourg respectfully acknowledge that we are located in the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig (Mississauga) and Chippewa Nations, collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations, which include: Curve Lake, Hiawatha, Alderville, Scugog Island, Rama, Beausoleil, and Georgina Island First Nations.

The Town of Cobourg respectfully acknowledge that the Williams Treaties First Nations have been stewards and caretakers of these lands and waters, and that today remain vigilant over their health and integrity for generations to come. We are all Treaty people.




  • Action Recommended:

    That Council confirm the agenda, as circulated.





Members of Council will present verbal reports on matters within their respective areas of responsibility.



Speakers may not register to speak to Outside Presentations.

Presentation by Tammy Robinson, CEO

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive the presentation from the Cobourg Public Library for information purposes. 

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive the memo from the Downtown Business Improvement Area Board of Management regarding Display of Wares By-law recommendation for information purposes.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive the memo from the Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) Board of Management regarding Addressing DBIA Board of Management Terms of Reference for information purposes.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive the memo from the Cobourg Police Services Board regarding Needs Assessment and Accommodation Options for information purposes.



Speakers may speak for up to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time and only on the matter pertaining to the report.

As per the Town Procedural By-law, when addressing Council, the speaker shall be respectful of all persons and refrain from entering into cross debate with members of Council, Town Staff and members of the audience.

Following the address, Council members may ask questions to obtain additional information or seek clarification from the speaker but shall not make statements to or enter into debate with the speaker.

Once all speakers have been heard, Council members will deliberate the report at hand without interruption. Speakers will not be allowed to interrupt the Council decision making process.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Standing Committees contained within the consent agenda as a single motion.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on June 4, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. CAO-2024-002 from Manager, Human Resources regarding Human Resources Policy Report.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council review and approve the revised Non-Union Compensation – Salary Structure Policy; and

    FURTHER THAT Council review and approve the revised Non-Union Benefits Policy; and

    FURTHER THAT Council review and approve the Flexible Working Arrangements Policy.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on June 4, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. LS-2024-015 from Deputy Clerk/Manager, Legislative Services regarding Public Notice Policy Update.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive this report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council approve the amended Public Notice Policy as required pursuant to Section 270 (1) (4) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on June 4, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. LS-2024-017 from Town Clerk/Director, Legislative Services regarding Flag Raising and Proclamation Policy Amendment.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the staff report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council approve the amendment to the Flag Raising and Proclamation Policy amending the implementation of standard procedures for flag raisings, half-staffing for former Cobourg Town Employees.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on June 4, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. LS-2024-013 from Deputy Clerk / Manager, Legislative Services regarding Council Appointment to Accessibility Advisory Committee.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council appoint Councillor Adam Bureau from June 2024 – August 2025 and Councillor Aaron Burchat from September 2025 – November 2026 to the Accessibility Advisory Committee.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on June 4, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. LS-2024-014 from Deputy Clerk / Manager, Legislative Services regarding Procedural By-law Update.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive this report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council endorse the recommendations as presented by the Clerks Department to be brought back to Council with an amended Procedural By-law in September 2024.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on June 4, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. COR-2024-009 from Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services regarding Procurement Policy Update.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive this report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council approve the Town of Cobourg updated Procurement Policy with implementation effective July 1, 2024.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on June 4, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. LS-2024-016 from Town Clerk/Director, Legislative Services regarding Council Delegation of Powers and Duties.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Staff Report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council endorse and approve the Delegated Authority By-law.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on June 19, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. COR-2024-011 from Manager, Human Resources and Director of Corporate Services regarding Compensation Review.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the compensation study from Gallagher Benefit Services (Canada) Group Inc for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to implement the updated annual staffing costs of $444,278 effective August 1, 2024 for a prorated amount of $185,116 to be paid utilizing the Staff Contingency Reserve and that Council direct staff to include the updated salaries in the 2025 budget for an increase of 1.60%.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee meeting on June 5, 2024, the Committee considered a Delegation from Adam White regarding a Snow Removal Project Pilot.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council refer the delegation to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for comment and consideration; and

    FURTHER THAT Council direct the Accessibility Advisory Committee to report back to Council on their options for consideration in consultation with Staff. 

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee meeting on June 5, 2024, the Committee considered a Delegation from Ed Carman on behalf of Hull’s Corners Cemetery Board regarding Stormwater Charges.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council refer the delegation from Ed Carman on behalf of Hull’s Corners Cemetery Board regarding Stormwater Charges to staff for a report back. 

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee meeting on June 5, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. DS-2024-013 from Meridian Planning on behalf of Manager of Development Review regarding 149 Elgin Street East – Zoning By-law Amendment.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive this report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council enact the by-law included as Attachment 3 approving the Zoning By-law Amendment for Mineral Road Properties Inc. at 149 Elgin Street East; and

    FURTHER THAT Council is satisfied that the requirement for a public meeting in accordance with subsection 34(17) of the Planning Act has been met.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee meeting on June 5, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. PW-2024-012 from Acting Manager, Environmental Services regarding the Procurement of Digester Mixing Pump Plant 1.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the purchase of one (1) Vaughan Chopper Pumps in the amount of $55,511 (price includes non-refundable HST) which is within the approved 2024 capital budget of $150,000.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee meeting on June 5, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. DS-2024-014 from Manager, Human Resources regarding Request for Quotation – Planning Recruitment.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve Human Resources to proceed with a Request for Quotation (RFQ) to contract out the services of a recruitment agency in order to recruit for a qualified Principal Planner.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee meeting on June 5, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. PW-2024-013 from Deputy Director, Engineering regarding Award of 2024 Various Sidewalk Construction Contract.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council award the capital project contract CO-24-14 PWD, 2024 Various Sidewalk Construction Contract to Royal Crown Construction in the amount of $402,480.74 excluding taxes to be funded by the 2024 capital budget.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee meeting on June 5, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. DS-2024-015 from the Heritage Planner (II) regarding the Proposed Update of Heritage Permit and Delegated Authority By-law for the Town of Cobourg.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive this report for information; and 

    FURTHER THAT Council receive the By-law included as Attachment 1 Being A By-Law to Regulate the Alteration of Heritage Property or “Heritage Permit By-law”), and Delegate Authority for the Provision of Powers under the Ontario Heritage Act to the Director of Planning and Development for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to engage with the public through the summer on the proposed Heritage Permit By-law and provide the engagement summary to the Heritage Advisory Committee for final review and endorsement of the proposed by-law; and

    FURTHER THAT Staff bring back the feedback and final by-law to Council for final review and decision at the September 25, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Corporate, Finance, and Legislative Standing Committee meeting on June 6, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. CAO-2024-003 from Manager, Office of the CAO regarding Customer Service Strategy & Implementation Plan.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council review and approve the Customer Service Strategy and Implementation Plan; and

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to implement the recommendations contained in the Customer Service Strategy and Implementation Plan.

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Corporate, Finance, and Legislative Standing Committee meeting on June 6, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. COR-2024-010 from Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services regarding Audit Committee Update.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accept the updated Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference and update the Committee to the Audit and Risk Committee; and

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to commence the recruitment process for two members to be appointed by Council to the Audit and Risk Committee.


  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council recognize that every municipality shall prepare an asset management plan in respect of its non-core municipal infrastructure assets on or before July 1, 2024 in accordance with Ontario Regulation 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure; and 

    FURTHER THAT Council’s asset management policy as adopted on July 22, 2019 is required to be reviewed and updated every five (5) years; and

    FURTHER THAT Council authorize the preparation of a resolution to adopt the updated 2024 Asset Management Policy; and 

    FURTHER THAT Council authorize the preparation of a resolution to adopt the Asset Management Plan for non-core infrastructure as prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. 

Presentation by Watson & Associates

  • Action Recommended:

    WHEREAS at the Public Works, Planning, and Development Standing Committee meeting on June 5, 2024, the Committee considered Report No. PW-2024-014 from Director of Public Works regarding Stormwater Rate Structure Review.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Stormwater Rate Structure Review as prepared by Watson & Associates for information purpose.

Presentation by Manager, Communications and Manager, Office of the CAO

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive the presentation regarding actioning the Town of Cobourg Strategic Plan 2023-2027 and beyond - 2024 Operational Plan for information purposes.

  • THAT Council receive this report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council amend Schedules A and B of the Parks and Facilities Regulations Bylaw 022-2016 to include the Town-owned lots west of Glen Watford Road and Ravensdale Road.

  • THAT Council approve the community event Multicultural Food Festival as a stand-alone new event or as an important addition to an existing event.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council approve the purchase of a Green Frog Raked Bar Screen system at a cost of $153,732 (price includes non-refundable HST) which is within the approved 2022 capital budget of $200,000.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive this Report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council authorize the passing of the by-law included as Attachment 1 approving the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan Conditions included in the By-law for 540 King Street East; and,

    FURTHER THAT Council authorize the passing of the by-law included as Attachment 2 approving the Zoning By-law Amendment for 540 King Street East.

Resolutions revised, and Shareholder meeting date changed, therefore Council must approve new resolution.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer who is delegated as the Shareholder representative to represent the Town of Cobourg Council to support the proposed resolutions as presented below:

    (1)    Audited Financial Statements


    1. The Shareholders receive the Audited 2023 year-end Town of Cobourg Holdings Inc. (Holdco) Consolidated Financial Statements as presented.
    2. The Cobourg Shareholder post the 2023 year-end HOLDCO Consolidated Financial Statements on-line upon receipt.
      Revised Resolution
    3. The Audit & Risk Committee and the Town of Cobourg Holdings Inc. recommend to the Shareholder, the Town of Cobourg Council, that KPMG be appointed as the external auditors for the Town of Cobourg Holdings Inc. and Subsidiary Companies, for a period of two years, effective the fiscal 2024 year.

    (2)    Annual Dividend and Benefits


    1. The Shareholders acknowledge that a community services benefit of $129,600 including the provision of fibre-optic network services, was provided to the Town of Cobourg Shareholder in 2023 by the Lakefront Group of Companies.
    2. The Shareholders acknowledge that the Holdco Board has decided to declare no dividend for 2023 to meet its financial obligations and maintain flexibility for dealing with other financial effects of the economy, including high inflation.
    3. The Shareholders acknowledge that the cumulative Shareholders Financial Benefit since deregulation as of 2023 year-end from the Town of Cobourg Holdings Inc. is approximately $17 M consisting of interest and dividend payments.

    (3)    Promissory Note


    The Shareholders acknowledge that with regard to the Promissory Note between The Corporation of the Town of Cobourg and Lakefront Utilities Inc. (LUI) at the original principal amount of $7M, the interest paid in the calendar year 2023 was at the rate of 3.46% reflecting LUI’s approved rate of the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for Long Term affiliate debt set in the last Cost of Service Application (COS) in 2021, with the outstanding Balance of Principal as of December 31, 2023 being $6.6M after a $400,000 principal payment to the Town of Cobourg in 2023.

    (4)    LUI Debt/Equity Ratio


    The Shareholders acknowledge that as of year-end 2023, the Lakefront Utilities Inc. Debt/Equity ratio was 59/41 and thus within the debt/equity ratio of 60/40 required under the Shareholders’ Agreement as amended in 2009.

    (5)    Directors of Holdco and Subsidiaries


    The Shareholders acknowledge that as of December 31, 2023, the Board of Holdco consists of six Directors and that the Subsidiary Boards of Lakefront Utilities Inc. and of Lakefront Utilities Services Inc. consist of five and four Directors respectively as indicated in the following which also shows their respective individual terms of office.

  • Action Recommended:

    THAT Council receive the correspondence from Cornelio Velázquez, resident, regarding Free Internet and more Cycle Paths for information purposes.



By-law to be distributed with addendum agenda.

  • Action Recommended:

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No.040-2024 to By-law No.046-2024 and to dispense with the reading of the bylaw by the Municipal Clerk and that the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed.

Speakers may not register to speak to Motions.




  • Action Recommended:

    THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 047-2024 and to dispense with the reading of the By-law by the Municipal Clerk to confirm the proceedings of Council of the Town of Cobourg at its Regular Council Meeting held on June, 26, 2024 and the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. 



To adjourn the meeting.

No Item Selected