WHEREAS at the Public Works, Planning and Development Standing Committee meeting on November 27, 2024, the Committee considered the Report No. COMM-2024-024 from Director, Community Services regarding Fire Hall Theatre Proposal Update.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive this report for information purposes; and
FURTHER THAT Council congratulates the Northumberland Players for their longevity and continuing positive impact in the town; and
FURTHER THAT Council considers the arts to be integral to a thriving town as noted in the Strategic Plan and Culture Master Plan; and
FURTHER THAT Council commends the Northumberland Players on the professionalism and detail included within their proposal; and
FURTHER THAT Council encourages the Northumberland Players to further focus and develop improvement ideas for the Fire Hall Theatre building to provide a modern, accessible, enjoyable, and home-town experience but at a smaller scale to provide targeted improvements; and
FURTHER THAT Council encourages the Northumberland Players to continue to deliver intimate small-audience experiences in the Fire Hall Theatre and continue to partner with local facilities (including the Town’s Concert Hall) to provide larger-scale shows.