The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg



Council Chambers, Victoria Hall, Cobourg
Members Present:
  • Mayor Lucas Cleveland
  • Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty
  • Councillor Aaron Burchat
  • Councillor Adam Bureau
  • Councillor Miriam Mutton
  • Councillor Randy Barber
  • Councillor Brian Darling
Staff Present:
  • Tracey Vaughan, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Ian Davey, Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services
  • Laurie Wills, Director of Public Works
  • Brian Geerts, Director of Community Services
  • Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk/Director of Legislative Services
  • Krystal Christopher, Deputy Clerk
  • Ellard Beaven, Fire Chief



His Worship Mayor Cleveland called the Meeting to Order at 6:00 P.M.



His Worship Mayor Cleveland recited the Traditional Land Acknowledgment Statement. 



The Mayor asked that Council and Members of the Public to pause for a Moment of Reflection.



There were no additions to the agenda. 



The minutes were amended to reflect Councillor Randy Barber as the Mover for the motion to declare the southwest portion of the parking lot (23.5 m x 44 m) at 206 Furnace Street as surplus land, under Item 9.1. on the Committee of the Whole minutes

  • Resolution 107-23
    Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau
    Seconded byCouncillor Randy Barber

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of Cobourg Municipal Council be approved, as amended. 






C. Gillis spoke to Council regarding concerns with the no parking restrictions in the area and provided recommendations and suggestions on how to address the parking issues in the New Amherst neighbourhood.

C. Gillis was dismissed at 6:28 PM.


  • Resolution 108-23
    Moved byCouncillor Brian Darling
    Seconded byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    THAT the delegation from Christopher Gillis be received from information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the delegation be forwarded to staff to be included in the upcoming report set to return on April 24, 2023



  • Resolution 109-23
    Moved byCouncillor Randy Barber
    Seconded byCouncillor Miriam Mutton

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive each correspondence collectively as presented for information purposes. 



  • Resolution 110-23
    Moved byCouncillor Brian Darling
    Seconded byCouncillor Aaron Burchat

    THAT the correspondence from resident, Jean Wiebe, be received for information purposes; 

    FURTHER THAT the matter be referred to Public Works and Parks Staff for review. 

  • Resolution 111-23
    Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau
    Seconded byCouncillor Miriam Mutton

    THAT Council direct staff to report back on the Standing Water By-law to bring back at a later date on changes to the current regulations or by-laws. 

  • Resolution 112-23
    Moved byCouncillor Brian Darling
    Seconded byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    THAT the correspondence from Rev., Neil Ellis, be received for information purposes

  • Resolution 113-23
    Moved byCouncillor Brian Darling
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council honour the request from Community Living regarding the lighting of Victoria Hall's exterior should the building have the ability to do so;

    FURTHER THAT Council proclaim the month of May as Community Living Month 

  • Resolution 114-23
    Moved byCouncillor Miriam Mutton
    Seconded byCouncillor Randy Barber

    THAT Council direct Staff to send a letter to all relevant taxation bodies, including the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, and all other municipalities in Ontario urging them to re-instate previous legislation that permitted a Municipality to apply for and retain the surplus proceeds from a tax sale in their jurisdiction 

  • Resolution 116-23
    Moved byCouncillor Miriam Mutton
    Seconded byCouncillor Randy Barber

    THAT Council direct staff to send a letter of support regarding the reduction of Municipal Insurance Costs to all municipalities in Ontario  









  • Resolution 117-23
    Moved byCouncillor Brian Darling
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council authorize the preparation of a By-law to be presented at a Regular Council Meeting to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to prepare and sign a supporting by-l to ensure that the Town of Cobourg receives its payment for 2023 Gas Tax Funding and that funds are used to continue supporting local transportation services; and

    FURTHER, THAT the authorizing bylaw includes future year agreements for the 2023-2026 Council Term.







  • Resolution 118-23
    Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau
    Seconded byCouncillor Brian Darling

    THAT Council receive this report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council commends the Cobourg Farmer’s Market on their 184 years of operation in the downtown; and

    FURTHER THAT Council commends the Cobourg Farmer’s Market on their creative approach to problem solving, and encourages them to continue; and

    FURTHER THAT Council endorse the approach of issuing forty (40) special event parking passes valid at the Albert St parking lot for the scheduled dates and times of their event for 2023, and

    FURTHER THAT at such time as the Municipal Grants Policy is reviewed, that this and other grants be reviewed by staff to ensure financial transparency and consistency with the overall municipal grants process.






Council took a 10 minute recess at 6:58 PM. 

Adam Giddings, Director, Regulator Finance, LUSI, was present to answer questions

  • Resolution 119-23
    Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau
    Seconded byCouncillor Brian Darling

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a memo from Derek Paul, President and CEO, Lakefront Utilities Inc., regarding Non-growth Water System Debenture Requirements Request to the Corporation of the Town of Cobourg;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve non-growth borrowing of $7,365,524 for Waterworks Capital requirements, as outlined in the December 11th, 2020, Water Rate Study and presentation to Council on January 4th, 2021 and instruct staff and LUSI to explore best competitive rates. 

  • Resolution 120-23
    Moved byCouncillor Aaron Burchat
    Seconded byCouncillor Randy Barber

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a memo from the Treasure/Director, Corporate Services, regarding the approval of the 2023 Waterworks Operating and Capital Budget.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the 2023 Operating and Capital Budgets for the Town of Cobourg Waterworks.

  • Resolution 121-23
    Moved byCouncillor Aaron Burchat
    Seconded byCouncillor Randy Barber

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a memo from the Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services, regarding the Cobourg Public Library – 2023 HVAC Replacement.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council award the contract to Carmichael Engineering Ltd to supply and install one new three (3) ton and one (1) new ten (10) ton Carrier rooftop heat and cool package units at the Cobourg Public Library at a cost of $43,346.76 including non-refundable HST to be funded from the Holdco Reserve account as approved in the 2023 Capital Budget.

  • Resolution 122-23
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Nicole Beatty
    Seconded byCouncillor Aaron Burchat

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a memo from the Director of Legislative Services/Municipal Clerk, regarding the Northumberland Sleeping Cabin Collective Sleeping Cabins Proposal – Use of Municipal Land and Licensing Agreement Interim Report;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to reach out to Northumberland County to explore their interest in the property and consideration of possible options for how the site could be used to achieve their affordable housing targets, and 

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to proceed with a formal Request for Proposal process for the disposal of the lands for the purpose of affordable housing should Northumberland County not pursue this site, and

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to conduct public engagement with the surrounding neighborhood on any options that may materialize.

  • Resolution 123-23
    Moved byCouncillor Brian Darling
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Nicole Beatty


    THAT the following word be added: 

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to conduct public engagement as per the Planning Act with the surrounding neighborhood on any options that may materialize.

  • Resolution 124-23
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Nicole Beatty
    Seconded byCouncillor Aaron Burchat

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a memo from the Director of Legislative Services/Municipal Clerk, regarding the Northumberland Sleeping Cabin Collective Sleeping Cabins Proposal – Use of Municipal Land and Licensing Agreement Interim Report;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to reach out to Northumberland County to explore their interest in the property and consideration of possible options for how the site could be used to achieve their affordable housing targets, and 

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to proceed with a formal Request for Proposal process for the disposal of the lands for the purpose of affordable housing should Northumberland County not pursue this site, and

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to conduct public engagement as per the Planning Act with the surrounding neighborhood on any options that may materialize.

  • Resolution 125-23
    Moved byCouncillor Randy Barber
    Seconded byCouncillor Aaron Burchat

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered an action recommended regarding the Declaration of Surplus Lands located at 206 Furnace Street, Cobourg;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to declare the southwest portion of the parking lot (23.5 m x 44 m) at 206 Furnace Street as surplus land.

  • Resolution 126-23
    Moved byCouncillor Miriam Mutton
    Seconded byCouncillor Aaron Burchat


    THAT the following be removed:

    (23.5 m x 44 m)

  • Resolution 127-23
    Moved byCouncillor Randy Barber
    Seconded byCouncillor Aaron Burchat

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered an action recommended regarding the Declaration of Surplus Lands located at 206 Furnace Street, Cobourg;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to declare the southwest portion of the parking lot (23.5 m x 44 m) at 206 Furnace Street as surplus land

    Recorded Vote Requested by Councillor Miriam Mutton 

    YES (6):  Councillor Randy Barber, Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty, Mayor Lucas Cleveland, Councillor Brian Darling, Councillor Adam Bureau, Councillor Aaron Burchat

    NO (1) : Councillor Miriam Mutton

  • Resolution 128-23
    Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau
    Seconded byCouncillor Brian Darling

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a Notice of Motion, Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty, regarding the 2023 Ontario Small Urban Municipalities (OSUM) Executive Committee Nomination;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Town of Cobourg endorses Nicole Beatty as the Deputy Mayor for nomination to the 2023 OSUM Executive Committee.

  • Resolution 129-23
    Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau
    Seconded byCouncillor Brian Darling

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on April 3, 2023, Council considered applications from Members of the Public to fill the vacancies on the HOLDCO Board of Directors;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Municipal Council appoint the following members to the HOLDCO Board of Directors effective May 1st, 2023, through December 31st, 2026.

    1. Fred Clifford


  • Resolution 130-23
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Nicole Beatty
    Seconded byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a memo from the Director, Planning and Development and the Director, Community Services, regarding 117 Durham St Property – Initial Considerations; 

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct a balanced mix of parkland, market and affordable residential units with direction to staff to commission studies necessary to determine the development limit (funded by proceeds of eventual sale of the land); and to proceed with a formal Request for Proposal process for the disposal of the developable lands, and

    FURTHER THAT public engagement occurs early in the process to invite public feedback on the use of the lands. 

    FURTHER THAT Council approve the operation of 117 Durham Street as a temporary recreational and athletic facility for the spring and summer 2023 season while long-term plans for the property are determined.





  • Councillor Aaron Burchat declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Aaron Burchat declared a conflict with the Skateboard Park portion of the item as he owns of a Skateboard Shop.)
  • Resolution 131-23
    Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau
    Seconded byCouncillor Randy Barber

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a memo from the Director, Community Services, regarding the 2022 Capital Project Update: Preliminary Design of the new Pickleball Facility and Replacement Skateboard Facility; 

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council encourages the community to mobilize their support with the Town and resources towards the two (2) Capital Projects being the new Pickleball Facility and Replacement Skateboard Facility.

  • Resolution 132-23
    Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau
    Seconded byCouncillor Miriam Mutton

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a memo from the Director, Community Services, regarding the Administrative Policy Update – Special Events Policy; 

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the attached Special Events Policy as an administrative update.





  • Resolution 133-23
    Moved byCouncillor Randy Barber
    Seconded byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    WHEREAS at the Committee of the Whole meeting on, April 3, 2023, Council considered a memo from the Manager, Culture, regarding the 2023 YMCA Northumberland Rainbow Run in the Town of Cobourg;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the YMCA Northumberland Rainbow Run to be held on Sunday, June 4, 2023, in downtown Cobourg; and

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to proceed with the permitting/planning of the event with YMCA Northumberland.



  • Resolution 134-23
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Nicole Beatty
    Seconded byCouncillor Randy Barber

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT leave be granted to introduce by-law No.035-2023 to 040-2023 and to dispense with the reading of the bylaw by the Municipal Clerk and that the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed.








Mayor Lucas Cleveland spoke briefly to the reason for the motion to address complaints from non-residents visiting Cobourg and noted the importance of encouraging tourism in the Town. 

  • Resolution 135-23
    Moved byMayor Lucas Cleveland
    Seconded byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    THAT Council receive the Notice of Motion for information purposes; and 

    FURTHER THAT the Notice of Motion be referred to the April 24th, 2023 Committee of the Whole Meeting for discussion. 

  • Resolution 136-23
    Moved byMayor Lucas Cleveland
    Seconded byCouncillor Aaron Burchat

    THAT the Rules of Order be suspended to address this item.

    (2/3 Vote in favor required) 

  • Resolution 137-23
    Moved byMayor Lucas Cleveland
    Seconded byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    THAT Council direct Staff to initiate the process on the creation and promotion of a Non-Resident Waterfront Pass to be purchased for the 2023 Waterfront Season (Victoria Day to Thanksgiving) by Non-Cobourg residents at a rate of $150.00 as outlined within the Staff Report that was received by Council on February 21, 2023; and 

    FURTHER THAT Staff report back to Council on the result of the pass purchases and utilization for discuss for future years. 




Members of Council present verbal reports on matters.




  • Resolution 138-23
    Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau
    Seconded byCouncillor Aaron Burchat

    THAT leave be granted to introduce Bylaw 041-2023 and to dispense with the reading of the Bylaw by the Municipal Clerk to confirm the proceedings of Council of the Town of Cobourg at its Regular Council Meeting held on April 11, 2023, and the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. 




Mayor Lucas Cleveland called for adjournment at 8:18 PM

No Item Selected