The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg



Electronic Participation
Members Present:
  • Mayor John Henderson
  • Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin
  • Councillor Nicole Beatty
  • Councillor Aaron Burchat
  • Councillor Adam Bureau
  • Councillor Emily Chorley
  • Councillor Brian Darling
Staff Present:
  • Ian Davey, Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services
  • Rob Franklin, Manager of Planning Services
  • Teresa Behan, Deputy Director of Community Services
  • Laurie Wills, Director of Public Works
  • Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk/Manager of Legislative Services
  • Krystal Christopher, Deputy Clerk


His Worship Mayor Henderson called the Meeting to Order at 3:33 PM


Members of Council moved into Closed Session at 3:34 PM

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin

    THAT Council meet in Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001 regarding:


239(2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees: Citizen Appointment Applications - Committee of Adjustment and Sustainability and Climate Emergency Advisory Committee

Krystal Christopher, Deputy Clerk/ Records Management Coordinator, provided an overview of the report.

Closed Session ended 3:40 PM

Members of Council moved into Open Session at 4:01 PM


Mayor Henderson recited the Traditional Land Acknowledgment Statement.


There were no additions to the agenda.

There were no Declarations of Pecuniary Interest Declared by Members of Council.


N. McDonald provided an overview of the land use and zoning for rehabilitation and crisis care centres in relation to the Cobourg Zoning By-law Review. N. Macdonald highlighted the purpose of the study, policy framework, current zoning and best practices. N. McDonald concluded with recommendations and considerations to the Cobourg Zoning By-law and spoke to the next steps.

After question and answer period, N. McDonald dismissed at 4:30 PM. 


T. Williams provided comments in support of parking passes for residents at the Waterfront and raised concerns with parking metres, parking fines and tickets.

T. Williams was dismissed at 4:38 PM


  • Moved byCouncillor Brian Darling

    THAT the delegation be received for information purposes;

    AND FUTHER THAT the request be considered in the Staff Report on the Review of Victoria Beach, Item 12.1. on the Agenda.



  • Moved byDeputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin

    THAT Council receive the report from the Manager of Human Resources for information purposes; and 

    FURTHER THAT Council approve the following two (2) Human Resources policies as presented; 

    1. Town of Cobourg Recruitment Policy; 
    2. Town of Cobourg Workplace Violence, Harassment and Discrimination Policy; 

    FURTHER THAT these policies be reviewed again within five (5) years as per the Corporate Policy Review Mandate or as required from time to time by Municipal Council. 

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin

    THAT Council receive the report from the Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services for information purposes, and

    FURTHER THAT Council enter into an agreement with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd for the preparation of a Development Charges Background Study to support an updated By-Law to replace existing Development Charges By-Law 087 – 2017 which expires January 4, 2022.


Ian Davey, Director of Corporate Services/Treasurer, provided an updated regarding matters pertaining to COVID-19. I. Davey spoke to the number of active cases in the region, the amount of tests conducted, and the distribution of vaccinations noting that walk-ins are welcomed at all clinics. I. Davey provided information on the status of municipal buildings noting that Victoria Hall is opened from 10 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday. I. Davey provided comments on a gradual return to work for staff.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin

    THAT Council receive the July 19, 2021 COVID-19 Verbal Update from the Chief Administrative Officer for information purposes.



  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the memo from the Recording Secretary, Planning and Development Advisory Committee, for information purposes and endorse the recommendations of the Planning Report 

    And further that Council direct staff to implement the following:

    1. Prepare a Draft Zoning By-law in line with the recommendations in the planning report prepared by Meridian
    2. Schedule a Public Meeting for the Draft Zoning By-Law Amendment with the necessary public notices
    3. Collect feedback from Cobourg residents about the Draft Zoning By-Law through Engage Cobourg for a period of two weeks prior to the scheduled Public Meeting
    4. Prepare a Final Draft Zoning By-Law to be brought forward to Council for approval by December 6th, 2021
  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the Staff Report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council authorize the preparation of a By-law to be presented at a Regular Council Meeting to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute a Severance Agreement with Jim Henderson and Cindy Taylor for the proposed severance of a new infill lot on the north side of 171 Bagot Street, Cobourg in accordance with Condition a) of the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) Consent decision.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the Staff Report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council authorize the preparation of a By-law to be presented at a Regular Council Meeting  to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute a Severance Agreement with Kwendill Holdings Limited for the proposed severance of a new infill lot from the south side of Kerr Street, Cobourg in accordance with Condition a) of the Committee of Adjustment decision.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the the Staff Report and the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Site Plan Approval Application for information purposes and referred to the Planning Department for a report; and,

    FURTHER THAT the notice requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, be implemented, including the scheduling of a Public Meeting.


  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the Staff Report and Site Plan Application Submission for information purposes; and,

    FURTHER THAT the application be referred to the Planning Department for a report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the Staff Report for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council authorize the preparation of a By-law to be presented to Council at a Regular Council Meeting to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute a Development Agreement with 1681941 Ontario Inc. and Lakefront Utility Services Inc. for the proposed development, which consists of three phases;

    • Phase 1 - Buildings B and C of 844.5 m2 (9,090 square feet) and 222.9 m2 (2,400 square feet) in area;
    • Phase 2 – Building B2 of 836.1 m2 (9,000 square foot) in area;
    • Phase 3 – Building A of 3,259.4 m2 (35,084 square foot) in area

    at the south-east corner of King Street East and Willmott Street, subject to the finalization of details by municipal staff and partner review agencies; and

    FURHER THAT Council authorize the preparation of a By-law to be presented to Counci at a Regular Council Meeting to remove the Holding (H) Symbol from the subject Lands.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the Staff Report and Applications for information purposes and the applications be referred to the Planning Department for a report; and

    FURTHER THAT the notice requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, be implemented, including the scheduling of a public meeting.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the memo from the Recording Secretary, Planning and Development Advisory Committee, and appoint Don Wilcox as a member to CIP Ad-Hoc Evaluation Working Group.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the memo from the Recording Secretary, Planning and Development Advisory Committee, to endorse the conclusions of the Planning Report and recommend the By-law attached to the Planning Report as Appendix I, be endorsed by Council which grants Draft Plan of Subdivision approval to Kwendill Holdings Limited for the subdivision of 6.21 hectares of industrial lands into six (6) individual parcels for future development, subject to the fulfillment of Draft Plan conditions, the execution of a Subdivision Agreement, and Site Plan Approval (SPA) for each parcel.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the memo from the Recording Secretary, Planning and Development Advisory Committee, to consider the recommendations made by the committee when taking into account the final plan for the revitalization of the East Pier.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council refer the memo from PDAC to the East Pier Revitalization Project design process, Community Services Division staff, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and the consultant team for consideration during the next stage of review and engagement.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council receive the memo from the Secretary of the Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee for information purposes and grant Heritage Permit #HP-2021-021 as submitted by Ann and James Grozier at 174 King St East, Cobourg to permit the demolition of a rear metal garden shed and the construction of a one car garage and rear deck be approved subject to the finalization of details by Planning and Heritage staff.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicole Beatty

    THAT Council award RFP Contract CO-21-18 PDD to Colliers Project Leaders for the provision of professional project management services for the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), Green Development Standards (GDS) and Community Efficiency Financing Feasibility Study (CEFFS) study process in the amount of $87,500.00 + HST;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services and finalize other applicable documentation with Colliers Project Leaders to administer and manage the ICSP/GDS/CEFFS study process.



Members of Council took a five (5) minute recess at 5:33 PM 

  • Moved byCouncillor Brian Darling

    THAT Council receive the report from the Director of Public Works for information purposes and for future reference during the 2022 budget deliberations.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brian Darling

    THAT Council approve the revised scope of work for the primary digester cleanout at WPCP #1 to include the cleanout of all five (5) digesters at WPCP #1 and #2 with an upset limit of $300,000 to be funded by the approved capital budget allocation for the one primary digester cleanout at WPCP #1.



  • Moved byCouncillor Emily Chorley

    THAT Council receive the report from the Deputy Director of Community Services on the Review of Victoria Park Beach from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for information purposes; and

    FURTHER THAT Council endorse the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee's recommendations as outlined in the Staff Report; and

    FURTHER THAT an internal Working Group be established – including a cross-section of staff with expertise regarding parks, communications, events, parking, legislative services, by-law enforcement, emergency planning/response, economic development and with Council representation – to enhance collaboration in the management of the waterfront, including Victoria Park Beach, the Cobourg Harbour and the West Beach; and

    FURTHER THAT this report be shared with the Working Group and all relevant departments to review, implement, and to provide any recommendations to the 2022 budget process.

  • Moved byCouncillor Emily Chorley

    THAT Council receive the memo from the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee to endorse the recommendations listed in the Parks and Recreation Staff Report for Council's consideration.

  • Moved byCouncillor Emily Chorley

    THAT Council support and endorse the Amendment to By Law No. 022-2016 (40.7) which would extend the existing prohibition of swimming in the Cobourg Harbour to include the west headland beach limits

  • Moved byCouncillor Emily Chorley

    THAT Council receive the Staff Report on Public Beach Recreational Water Testing for information purposes.


Teresa Behan, Deputy Director of Community Services, provided an updated on the status of Victoria Beach. T. Behan spoke to the beach remaining opened during the week noting that there has not been any closures due to capacity limits. T. Behan provided information regarding the higher than normal E. Coli readings at the beach and online visits to the Cobourg Beach webpage.

  • Moved byCouncillor Emily Chorley

    THAT Council receive the July 19, 2021 Victoria Beach Report/Update from the Deputy Director of Community Services for information purposes.



  • Moved byCouncillor Aaron Burchat

    THAT Council receive this report from the Accessibility Coordinator for information purposes, and;

    FURTHER THAT Council direct Staff to bring forward reports on the progress, as needed, and;

    FURTHER THAT Council consider adding funding in the 2022 budget for Accessibility Projects related to this successful grant application to enhance the work that can be completed.



  • Moved byCouncillor Adam Bureau

    THAT Council accept with regret the resignation from Warren McCarthy of the Sustainability and Climate Emergency Advisory Committee and that a note of appreciation be sent to the member acknowledging her service to the community; and

    FURTHER THAT the vacant position be advertised and a new member be recruited in accordance with the Town's policies and procedures.



No submissions received by the public.


  • Moved byCouncillor Emily Chorley

    THAT the meeting be adjourned (6:17 PM)

No Item Selected